Eingangsbereich von The Alex Hotel von außen, Glasfront mit zwei kleinen Bäumen neben der Eingangstür
Speisesaal/Frühstücksraum eines Hotels mit gedeckten und dekorierten Tischen
Frühstücksbuffet mit Kaffeekanne, Tee, Aufstichen, Aufschnitte und Müsli
Reichlich gedeckte und mit Blumen dekorierter Frühstückstisch mit Orangesaft, Marmelade, Frühstücksei, Kaffee und Cappuccino
Speisesaal/Frühstücksraum eines Hotels mit gedeckten und dekorierten Tischen sowie Frühstücksbuffet
Dekorierte Theke mit Rotweinflasche neben Weinglas und Kerze
Heller Sitzbereich mit Bank, Sitzwürfeln und Sessel
Hotelzimmer mit grauem Sofa, grauen Sessel, Geweih als Wanddekoration und Kamin
Sitzbereich mit zwei braunen Sesseln, Felldecke und Holzblöcken
Eingangsbereich von The Alex Hotel mit Logo als Wanddekoration
Eingangsbereich von The Alex Hotel mit Logo als Wanddekoration, Rezeption und Rezeptionist dahinter sowie mehreren Sitzgelegenheiten

The Alex Hotel GmbH
Rheinstraße 29
D-79104 Freiburg

Fon +49 761 296970
Fax +49 761 2969779
Mail info@the-alex-hotel.de


We are happy to offer nine own parking spaces: four outside parking spaces suitable for big cars at a charge of EUR 10,00/day/car and five parking spaces in our comparatively narrow garage at a charge of EUR 20,00/day/car. In our garage you have the possibility to charge your electric car for a fee. Reservations recommended.

In case all of our parking space are already reserved, there is a public parking area right in front of the hotel (costs apply).

In addition, the following link will give you an overview of all of Freiburg’s parking garages including the corresponding prices.


Arriving by car


Autobahn/highway A5:

  • Leave the Autobahn/highway (A5) at exit No. 62 (Freiburg-Mitte)
  • Follow the signs towards ‘Freiburg – Titisee – Neustadt’
  • Leave the B31 at the fifth exit heading towards the “Hauptbahnhof” (main station)
  • Stay straightforward and cross the next traffic light
  • Turn right at the next possibility into Albertstrasse
  • Turn right again at the next possibility into Ernst-Zermelo-Straße
  • After 200 meters turn left into the Rheinstrasse and you have reached your destination on the left side

B31 or B3:

  • Enter Freiburg heading towards “Hauptbahnhof” (main station)
  • Stay straightforward and cross the next traffic light
  • Turn right at the next possibility into Albertstrasse
  • Turn right again at the next possibility into Ernst-Zermelo-Straße
  • After 200 meters turn left into the Rheinstrasse and you have reached your destination on the left side

IMPORTANT: You need a green emissions-sticker in order to drive through Freiburg. You can obtain it in advance (minimum 10 days) by sending a copy of your vehicle registration documents by post to the vehicle registration office or as a scanned document by email to buergeramt@stadt.freiburg.de. If the requirements for a sticker are fulfilled, the vehicle registration office will send an invoice of EUR 6,50 via mail. Also, it can be purchased at the Bürgerberatung im Rathaus,Rathausplatz 2-4, 79098 Freiburg on presentation of your vehicle registration documents at a charge of EUR 5,00.


Arriving by plane

via shuttle bus:

  • Use the shuttle heading to Freiburg Hauptbahnhof (main station)
  • Leave the station and turn left on the Bismarkallee heading towards a traffic light within 400 meters
  • Cross the street and keep going straightforward for about 100 meters on the Stefan-Meier-Strasse
  • Cross the street to the right hand side

or by car:

  • Take the Autobahn/highway A5 towards Karlsruhe and leave it at exit No. 62 (Freiburg-Mitte)
  • Follow the signs towards ‘Freiburg – Titisee – Neustadt’
  • Leave the B31 at the fifth exit heading towards the “Hauptbahnhof” (main station)
  • Stay straightforward and cross the next traffic light
  • Turn right at the next possibility into Albertstrasse
  • Turn right again at the next possibility into Ernst-Zermelo-Straße
  • After 200 meters turn left into the Rheinstrasse and you have reached your destination on the left side


route planner



Arriving by train:

  • Leave the station and turn left to the Bismarkallee heading towards a traffic light within 400 meters
  • Cross the street and keep going straightforward for about 100 meters on the Stefan-Meier-Strasse
  • Cross the street to the right hand side
  • On the right hand side cut through the park for about 100 meters reaching your destination to your left

THE ALEX — Best Price Guarantee