Martinsturm in Freiburg am Breisgau
Nachaufnahme des Siegesdenkmal in Freiburg am Breisgau aus der Froschperspektive
Augustinerplatz bei Nach in Freiburg am Breisgau
Freiburger Münster mit Wasserspeiern
Statue aus Stein am Freiburger Münster
Freiburger Münster
Frontaufnahme vom Alten Rathaus auf dem Rathausplatz in Freiburg am Breisgau
Luftaufnahme von Freiburg mit angrenzendem Waldstück vor blauem Himmel
Schlossbergturm in Freibrug
Freiburger Siegesdenkmal
Rotes Spielzeugboot mit blauem Segel im Freiburger Bächle
Have you ever been to Freiburg? If yes, you will know that it is one of the most beautiful cities in Germany.

The country’s sunniest city is located between the Kaiserstuhl and Schauinsland and therefore right in the middle of the Baden wine-growing area. Baden is the only wine-growing area in Germany which belongs to the European viticulture zone B. Therefore you will find great local wines in our Winery29. As if this was not enough, Freiburg is, together with Basel and Mulhouse, situated in the three country corner of Germany, Switzerland and France. Using Freiburg as a starting point for excursions to the Europapark, Feldberg or Schluchsee, to name only a few, is just perfect.


In Freiburg’s magnificent old town you will find the munster, surrounded by a market that is there all week long. All throughout the city there are the „Bächle“ – be careful not to trip and fall into one of them, otherwise you will marry someone from Freiburg.



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